Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Dear Gracie,
I am alone at last. The little fuzzball left the other day. To be honest, after he left, the place seemed a little too quiet. Toby was always up to play and it was kind of nice to have someone asking me for advice all the time.

My person seemed a bit sad to see him go too, but then she looked at me and told me how great I was. Can't beat that!!

I saw her put this white square thing in that box outside -you know the box that man in the uniform takes things from everyday - well, until I scare him off. I don't know why he comes back every day when he runs from me. Anyway, my person seemed all excited and mentioned teaching me tricks. I love it when she teaches me things because I get a lot of great treats! I'll do all the weird things she asks like lifting my paw and waving it around when the result is a piece of hot dog!!! I always find it strange what humans think is fun.

I hope Toby does okay. He seemed a bit clueless about stuff and I worry a little bit about what he'll do without me around to guide him. He was a likable fellow, if a bit too fond of the sound of his own voice!

Until our next sniff,

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Dear Gracie,
The little fuzzball is STILL here. I found out today that his name, is, in fact, Toby. I like Dooby better. He was really annoying me today - wanting to play, jumping in my face, waving his tail up in the air. After I humored him for a while, I went and laid down. You'd think he'd get the hint.

I even let him chew on my favorite bone, just to make my people happy. My main person, she seems to not be too worried, but my man person - he gets that scrunched up, worried look on his face and starts snapping his fingers at me if I tell the little fellow how to behave. I often wonder what he means by the snapping. Humans can be hard to understand sometimes. But they are lovable - usually.

So far, I have not had to share my food bowls OR my bed with Toby, but I did get to try HIS food. It was tasty but so tiny. I don't know how it fills him up.

At least Toby's walking manners are getting a little bit better. Now he trots next to us, rather than straining to get ahead. But he still growls and barks at little kids we pass. I just don't get it. Kids are great! I love kids!

I hope all is well for you, dear Gracie. Maybe your person will bring you over to play soon. I don't mind sharing my bones with you!

Until our next sniff,

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I love my people, I really do, but what in the world were they thinking??? At first, I thought the little black fuzzball was just here for the evening. Sure, he was annoying - grabbing my bones, drinking out of my bowl, and stealing attention from yours truly.

But then.... HE WAS THERE THE NEXT MORNING! I have to tell you that I was suspicious when I saw his crate sitting next to mine, but the shock. I can't tell you how it felt to see his beady little eyes looking at me the next morning and listen to his perky questions.

Of course, I do feel sorry for the fuzzball. He keeps asking me when HIS family will be back, but, as I keep telling him, I can't read the calendar any better than he can. I did tell him that sometimes people go other places and leave us with trusted friends, and that is probably what was happening to him. I certainly hope so. There is only so much I can take.

The first morning, my main person, she does these weird stretching things. Part of it looks just like WE do when we get up and stretch. This doesn't surprise me because, as you know, she is pretty in tune with those of the canine persuasion. Will you believe the little brat started jumping all over her head. I know he was just trying to ingratiate himself with her by kissing her face, but I could tell she DID NOT LIKE IT! I secured the borders for her. I could see how grateful she was - she gave me extra yogurt in my food bowl.

The worst are the walks. Gracie, I'm sooooooo embarrassed. Dooby, I think that is what they call him, races all over the place when every dog knows you are supposed to walk NEXT to your person. My poor person exhibits the utmost patience, as little Dooby pulls and yelps. I keep telling him people, cars and other dogs are no threat, but does he listen? NO! He must yap and yap at everyone and everything. It's humiliating. I have tried to show him how it is done, but he's oblivious.

Well, Gracie, I must close this letter. Say a prayer for me that Dooby is not a permanent part of the household. Can you believe my person let that fuzzball sleep ON HER LAP while she rested this afternoon. I laid against her legs to give her strength - she has a kind heart.

Until our next sniff,