Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Dear Gracie,
I am alone at last. The little fuzzball left the other day. To be honest, after he left, the place seemed a little too quiet. Toby was always up to play and it was kind of nice to have someone asking me for advice all the time.

My person seemed a bit sad to see him go too, but then she looked at me and told me how great I was. Can't beat that!!

I saw her put this white square thing in that box outside -you know the box that man in the uniform takes things from everyday - well, until I scare him off. I don't know why he comes back every day when he runs from me. Anyway, my person seemed all excited and mentioned teaching me tricks. I love it when she teaches me things because I get a lot of great treats! I'll do all the weird things she asks like lifting my paw and waving it around when the result is a piece of hot dog!!! I always find it strange what humans think is fun.

I hope Toby does okay. He seemed a bit clueless about stuff and I worry a little bit about what he'll do without me around to guide him. He was a likable fellow, if a bit too fond of the sound of his own voice!

Until our next sniff,

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Dear Gracie,
The little fuzzball is STILL here. I found out today that his name, is, in fact, Toby. I like Dooby better. He was really annoying me today - wanting to play, jumping in my face, waving his tail up in the air. After I humored him for a while, I went and laid down. You'd think he'd get the hint.

I even let him chew on my favorite bone, just to make my people happy. My main person, she seems to not be too worried, but my man person - he gets that scrunched up, worried look on his face and starts snapping his fingers at me if I tell the little fellow how to behave. I often wonder what he means by the snapping. Humans can be hard to understand sometimes. But they are lovable - usually.

So far, I have not had to share my food bowls OR my bed with Toby, but I did get to try HIS food. It was tasty but so tiny. I don't know how it fills him up.

At least Toby's walking manners are getting a little bit better. Now he trots next to us, rather than straining to get ahead. But he still growls and barks at little kids we pass. I just don't get it. Kids are great! I love kids!

I hope all is well for you, dear Gracie. Maybe your person will bring you over to play soon. I don't mind sharing my bones with you!

Until our next sniff,